Saturday, 27 July 2013


Statistics Malaysia's population and housing census in 2010 found that about 65.4% of the population of Sabah Moslems, 26.6% are Christian, 6.1% Buddhist, 1.6% other, and 0.3% have no religion. Significant changes experienced by Sabah in the religious composition of the population, especially in the percentage of the religion of Islam. In 2010 the percentage of Muslims has increased, while the Christian religion only marginally increased. This is due to the aggressive Islamization policy activities in 1969-1975 when the country was under the rule of USNO led by Tun Mustapha with strong support from the central government.


Islam is a monotheistic religion contained in the Quran, regarded as the word of God believers. Muslims believe that God is One and the purpose of life is to worship God. Almost all Muslims belong to one of two major denominations, the Sunni and Shia. Muslims believe that there are some scriptures that God revealed to the prophets, the Quran as the last book. They also believe the scriptures before the content of the Qur'an, the Torah and the Gospel, was diverted-either in interpretation, text, or both. Muslims consider the Qur'an as the Word of God: it is the central religious text of Islam in Arabic.

Al-Quran as a book of Muslims

Mosque as a place of worship of Muslims


Christianity is the largest religion in the world, sheet 2.1 billion adherents, or a third of the world population. Christianity is a religion based on the life monotheis and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as shown in the works of his followers in the New Testament. Christianity share all the books in the Hebrew Bible to the Jewish religion and why religion is also called a religion of Abraham proposal. Christians or Christians follow the teachings of Jesus. Known also by calling Jesus 'Christ'.
Various religious traditions, beliefs and ways of worship that holds on certain customs exist in Christianity. Christianity is often displayed as a mainly three streams that have formed over two thousand years ago

Biblical Christianity as the official book

church as a place of worship of the Christian

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